Here's a list of Free Quests/Access unlocked
kindly let us know if anything is incorrect.

  • Adventurers Guild - Great Hunt Completed

    Banuta Secret Tunnel - Unlocked access

    Bigfoot's Burden - Access to WZ 1-3 Completed

    Blood Brothers - Mission 1-4 Completed

    Children of the Revolution - Mission 1-5 Completed
    Prove your Worzz! Completed

    Cults of Tibia - Completed

    Dangerous Depths - 2x Dwarves, 2x Gnomes and 2x Scouts quests Completed

    Djinn War Efreet - Mission 1-3 Completed

    Djinn War Marid - Mission 1-3 Completed

    Explorer Society - The Undersea Kingdom, Ready to report to Calassa

    Forgotten Knowledge - Boss 1-6 Killed once

    Friends and Traders - Mission 1-3 Completed

    Hidden City of Beregar - First mission started

    In Service of Yalahar - Mission 1-9 Completed. Azerus not killed

    Oramond - To take roots, Completed

    The Ape City - Completed

    The Ice Islands;
    Barbarian Test - Test 1 Completed
    Befriending the Musher,
    Formongar Mines Mission 1-4
    Nibelor Mission 1-5
    The Contact,
    Honorary Barbarian,
    and Secret of Helheim Completed.

    The Inquisition - Mission 1-6 Completed. Final boss not killed

    The New Frontier - Mission 1-10 Completed, 12/12 Tomes turned in

    The Shattered Isles - 8/8 Missions Completed

    Thieves Guild - Missions 1-7 Completed. Mission 8 started

    Threatened Dreams - Completed

    Tibia Tales - 5/5 Completed

    Travelling Trader - Missions 1-7 Completed

    Wrath of the Emperor - 9/12 Completed

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    1Guardian (2003).
    2Kjellsortering (1820).
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    4Fizzel (1741).
    5Valedora (1666).

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